In a person's life, one of the biggest dilemmas is how to keep focused in a world filled with distractions. I learned something as I pushed past the people in MRT - Ayala Station:
I got to the area where I needed to go by keeping my eyes focused on the area where I wanted to land in, and not mind the people blocking my way.
So my lesson learned was, to get to where I need to go, I need to keep my eyes focused on God, and on the Vision He has for me; with that, I won't even know it, but I've gotten to where I needed to go, and I won't even feel the things that are distracting me.
Things that derail people include navel-gazing and nitpicking. I need to stop looking "deep into myself," and finding fault with myself, and then picking at the things that shouldn't concern me, and instead, focus on the things that matter: God and His plan for me.
This doesn't mean that I won't deal with the issues that I still have. On the contrary, I need to just surrender them to the Lord...
One thing that I learned one time was, I realized that I finally got the hang of controlling my brain: things are a lot quieter up there now; also, friends and meh have noticed, and are telling me, that I'm a lot less angry and reactive lately...
And you know what hit me?
I never really agonized to get from Point A to Point B. I never lifted a finger to get rid of my anger issues. I never lifted a finger to learn to be more faithful; All I ever did..................
Was say a prayer.
It's truly God's grace that I ever moved a single step from Point A at all. And how I got to Point B... Is nothing but a miracle.
I'm excited to move to Point C. :D
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Freedom from Distractions - Lessons Learned in an MRT Station
Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
10:09 PM
Monday, December 1, 2008
Slow Me Down: Seriously Sabbath Sunday
Today, I had been filled with sermons telling me to REST. The entire November was filled with such toil and trouble that I was actually already wondering if I was a member of the cast of Macbeth or something.. "Double double, toil and trouble..."
I decided not to go to church and just have my own service in my room, again. No use wasting energy getting on a jeepney and seeing energy-drainin' scenarios and energy-drainin' pplz. Heheh.
Uncannily enough, I chose Pastor Joey Bonifacio's "Curse of Restlessness" for my "Sunday Sermon." The title was just intriguing, and I just thought it would be a fun thing to listen to for my "Seriously Sabbath Sunday."
And you know what it was all about? Entering God's REST.
There is a reason why God had created us on the Sixth day, and Adam woke up to fellowship with Him on the 7th day. Pastor Joey said that this is because God did not want us to see Him working. God's priority is that we be able to walk with Him and enjoy His presence, as well as His creation with Him.
From that sermon, I realized that the constant running around and the mentality of "Busybusybusybusybusy," is not a blessing; rather it is a curse: the same curse that God had put on Cain when he committed the first murder: Restlessness.
After this sermon, I had decided to also listen to renowned prophet, pastor, teacher and writer Rick Joyner's "Entering God's Rest." Same thing. We need to rest. Same thing: God did not create TOIL. In fact, it is a curse. But God DID create LABOR, and LABOR is supposed to be enjoyable. Work is supposed to be enjoyable and holy.
After I listened to those sermons, I went, "WHOA!"
So for all those 8 weeks of grueling torture under toil, where I was actually being an idiot, running around like Alice in Wonderland's White Rabbit, I was, in reality, under a "Curse of Restlessness."
Most people would deem me crazy/idiotic/stupid for letting go of a client that had allowed me to neutralize a big chunk off my current debt. You know what, the day after I let go, and I decided to fully rest, and the depression dissipated, I FELT SO MUCH BETTER.
I let go of that client because things were already emotionally maddening. There was deception and power-playing involved, manipulation, so much strife, and it was no longer a healthy situation. My emotional makeup was absolutely shot: I hated them, I hated all work, even for the clients I've been with for a while, and even those that I had struck a great rapport with.
I had never made a better decision in my life.
After listening to this sermon, and searching for Jewish Superstar Emmy Rossum of Phantom of the Opera's SLOW ME DOWN, I finally got it.
After "my own service" at home, cooking lunch for meh and enjoying it with God in a lazy, quiet, Sunday, I went off to my boarding house's subdivision playground. I had always told God, whenever I passed by that playground, that I'd like to be on the swing at one point in my existence...
I got what I wanted yesterday. :)
I was swinging high up in the air and just being in general glee like a 5-year-old. I didn't realize that you could actually swing without anyone pushing you. Hey, I was experiencing powerful swings, and major gusts of swinging-induced air that allowed my hair to flap behind me! I was... In bliss. :D
I felt like God was pushing the swing for me, as I listened to rockin' Christian prophetic worship songs. If I knew what flying was like, swinging would most likely be just like flyin'!
So from this point on, I's swearin': Two days off fer meh after grueling seasons of work, and at least once a day of REEEEEST. It says in the Bible that we have SIX days to do our work. I might as well enjoy my Sunday Sabbaths. :D
And you, workaholic human, next Sunday, YOU TAKE A REST TOO!
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Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
12:46 AM
1 reactions
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Blog Resurrection: For the Umpteenth Time!
Welcome to Lorie’s Career “Lifehacks” blog.
Before we go on, I would like to say that I’ve tried to resurrect my blogs time and again, only to be buried by work and neglect these again. And for that... for the umpteenth time...
I “repent.”
Again, I’m resurrecting my blog, hopefully, I’ll be more constant with writing for this “baby,” so that I could help you bring some clarity into your career considerations.
If you’re mulling over your career, or you’re thinking about what you ought to be doing, or you’re over your post-grad “rest” (heheh) period, I’m here to help. I aim to give you the most valuable things I’ve learned so far in my 2-year stint at this game of working.
So, all set to know more? Read on!
Scroll down for the latest post I’ve dished out on career planning and jobhunting.
Next week, I’m giving you advice on how to create an eye-catching resumé, and the secret to getting... And keeping... A job. :)
Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
3:53 AM
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Fresh Grad? Tired of "Resting?" Maybe it's time to STRATEGIZE!
|You’re a fresh grad, and you’re raring to get that job you’ve been working so hard for, through getting great grades in school. You’ve dreamed of this moment for so long, and now, months after school, you’re done with living the life and just resting, and you’re ready to go get a job.
Your mom breathes a sigh of relief when you declare that you’re going out to hunt for a job.
But you don’t know where to start.
There is no 3-step recipe that could get you that job you’ve always wanted, but tips like mine could help you figure out how to strategize and plan for your jobhunt.
Okay, breathe. I'm about to dish on how to plan and strategize for your job. So if you're ready, click "READ MORE"!!!|
|The first thing you need to do is to: identify what you want.
Do you want just a job to tide you over, to pay the bills, to have fun in for a while, while you wait for a passport to elsewhere, or for you to learn something while you wait to inherit your family’s business?
Or are you building a career for yourself?
A job is essentially different from a career in that a job is just that: a work that is the end in itself. A career, on the other hand, is a series of jobs that you want to take hold of, leading to what you want to ultimately learn in the long run, and leading to that final goal that you have in mind, before you retire.
So when you graduate, in those months wherein you are still trying to find out what you want to do in life, think about the answers to these questions, and you fill be able to map out what you want to do with yourself:
- 1. What do you want to remember most fondly as you retire? What would you want to be most known for? What purpose do you think you were made for?
- 2. What job, occupation, or line of work will enable you to get there? What steps could you take to get to that ultimate end goal?
- 3. What character traits, skills, or learnings should you gather, to serve your core purpose?
When you’ve found some rather clear answers to these questions, it’s time to start forming your career.
- 1. Create a logical path towards your end goal.
- 2. Go on an online search for the jobs you could consider, as your starting point.
- 3. Create a resumé highlighting the traits and skills that would make you more likely to be considered for the job you want to go out for.
- 4. Go get ‘em, tiger!
So we put that goal on Tier 1.
Tier 1. Novelist.
How do you get from Fresh Creative Writing Grad to Novelist?
Let’s have a couple of quick goals.
1. Goal 1 - Deadline: By the end of 2 years: Get to the point of writing at top speed, with supreme flair for the words.
2. Goal 2 - Deadline: By the end of 5 years: Build a name for myself and get people to recognize my name or pseudonym, and associate it with a certain style of writing.
3. Goal 3 - Deadline: By the end of 7 years: Get the right contacts, so I can start writing that novel and get my own book published.
Then I would identify my Tier 2 and Tier 3.
Tier 2 is whatever is a prerequisite to my achieving Tier 1. Tier 3 is my problem (and YOUR) problem right now: getting a job to achieve my short term goals.
For this hypothetical strategy, my Tiers 2 and 3 would be:
Tier 2. Become a Famous Newspaper/Magazine Writer.
Tier 3. Be the fastest and most sought-after writer, even though I won't be famous yet.
As I've already identified the overview of my plan, I'll set aside Tiers 1 and 2, and focus on my right-now problem. I will have to answer the question: "What occupations could hone my writing skill?"
The answer to this question would serve the Tier 3 core goal.
Occupations identified: SEO Writer, Professional blogger, copywriter, news reporter, lifestyle writer.
I would then narrow down the choices by what skill I should really learn first.
I’m going for SEO Writer, because the quotas and the pressure would force me to get the hang of writing within the least amount of time.
I’m going to go at that game for, at the maximum, a year. Six months would be best, because anyone who’s been writing for SEO has recognized how tiring it actually gets. :)
Then when I feel like it’s about time to start building my name, while getting to still practice writing at top speed, I’ll go for being either an ad agency copywriter, or a news reporter who passes in perfect copy.
Just an aside: Mind you, I’ve applied to one major daily for my country, and you know what... Some of their reporters pass in the most atrocious copy. So if you’re like me, who’s positioned herself in the writing field, you better aim for passing the most excellent copy you could, in record time.
Back to my creation of a strategy for my career.
I'll consider the traits of each job that would get me to where I want to be. An Ad Agency copywriter actually needs to pass great, sales-pulling copy in record time, while a newspaper writer needs to pass accurate, fact-filled and objective copy in record time.
A novelist needs to be able to sell him/herself to the public, so a sales bent would be great.
A newspaper reporter, however, gets an adrenalin-driven job and some kick-butt training in getting the facts straight.
I like adventure, so there’s a dilemma there. Let’s say I’ve put in around a year in SEO writing, so I’m ready for the next step, but I’d rather have fun first.
I could go at it logically: get the ad agency job first, stick at it for another year to two years, then get the name-pulling job, like in a magazine or on the daily news staff.
OR, I could be a news reporter for around 6 months, make the best friends while I’m there, then I’m going to go for the ad agency for around a year or two, then I’m going back to the newspaper/media industry after, but in a less stressful AND ideally, more influential position.
Over those years, I’d be gathering contacts, friends, and network with the right people who could get me the leverage I need to build a name for myself.
All through those years, I will have to take the stance of being a great friend, a joy to be around, generous to people, and glad to just make friends.
True friends would be there when you need them, and they are willing to help out people in a mutually beneficial arrangement. Try to burn the least, to zero, bridges, if possible, because in the future, if you’ve left unhealed wounds in other people, not only would you have a hate squad lined up against you, but it’s also baggage you won’t want to be saddled with.
On the whole, I wasn’t so mercenary with my career, as I suggest here. All I know was that back in college, I knew the power of the Internet, and I knew I should be earning off it.
In due time, I got my first job, but I left it, for ethical considerations. You see, it was a job making academic papers for lazy American students. Heheh.
When I was done, I decided to concentrate on school for a while, but economic considerations made me want to get another job. And it was my first initiation into the true moneymaking potential of the Internet: I had worked for an Internet Marketing specialist.
Today, I’m working for another Internet Marketing expert, and I’m enjoying the job. I’m not aiming to work at my career the way I described here, in terms of the details. This is just an example of how to strategize for one's career path. I may be considering applying to local dailies for exposure in the future, but as it is, I’m just working on my character traits, especially being faithful at a job and to a boss. :)
I had patterned this paradigm upon my own 10-year plan for my life. I'm a Psychology graduate, but I aim to become a church planter. So while God is still developing my character, I'm working on building a system wherein I would be earning more than enough for my own needs, as well as be able to give to people and the ministries I aim to support.
So my model is actually:
Tier 1: Become a missionary/church planter
Tier 2: Create a self-supporting business/income system
Tier 3: Get jobs that would propel me to Tier 2, to serve Tier 1.
I hope you'll get the HEART of what I'm saying about strategizing for your career. I'm not saying that being a writer is the be-all and end-all of it. For all you know, you may be set apart for another purpose. As it is, this is the best model I know of, to illustrate my thoughts to you.
If you have questions, just leave your email on the comments area, and I'll try to answer them the best way I could.
Next week: I’m writing about how to further customize this process for YOU. Also, I would be putting out an article about creating the resumé and portfolio that is sure to wow your prospective bosses, as well as how to get a job and keep it. Blessings! :)|
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Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
3:54 AM
Tip Categories: career plan, career strategy, fresh grad advice, jobhunting
Friday, August 1, 2008
Something to inspire.
I don't know if this man, who has touched so many lives from this moving lecture, was a Christian. All I know is that what he taught in his last lecture series was something Christ would like to teach us, too. :)
It ain't about religion indeed. It's about LIFE and living life to the fullest, by... Loving (I'm guilty of the charge of having a metal heart, please pray for me..) and dreaming... And being passionate for excellence. :)
Below is the Oprah version.
Attached is the full transcript, ready for your download. :)
Check the bottom of this post. :)
Enjoy! Read More......
Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
11:07 PM
Calling the Next Generation!
As usual, I was just minding my own business, trying to fix my blog, and a blog I had promised my Editor-in-Chief friends from Central Philippine University, where I graduated, and I came across this post by another Christian, detailing her agony about how she hadn't seen Christians developing FREE Blogger templates. If anything, she has even voiced out what I had only thought before: that software and what-not created by Christians for Christians are, well, in need of massive improvement.
I don't blame her. Because before, I used to complain the same thing about how the Christian community seems to be rather deprived.
I know that since Jesus was also persecuted and hated by the world, it's only natural that we're the minority, too. But wait up. The past of the Christian being on the sidelines of the world is gone.
This year had been marked by the American Prophetic community of the year when the Lord's people are taking back the land the enemy has claimed and closing the gates of hell.
If I'm speaking alien here nevermind. What you need to know is that, this year marks something in the air for the Lord. He is sounding the trumpet for His people to rise up and take their places.
Are you called to web dev?
Are you called to writing in mainstream media?
Are you called to love numbers and become an excellent accountant?
Rise up.
We were meant to live for so much more. We were meant to live for beyond feeding ourselves or our families. We were called to take dominion and seize what is Jesus'!
You're young you say? Timothy was young too.
Dudes, figure out what you love doing. Chances are, this is where God will use you to the fullest.
Life is more than the paycheck. Life is more than the misery. When you are on track and on focus towards the goal that the Lord has set for you, three things will happen:
- You will understand what needs to be pruned or chopped off in your life to make room for more focus in the direction you were called.
- You will know exactly what it is you need to be doing.
- You will stop running around in circles.
So yeah, my jobhunting to Manila Bulletin, Powermac, etc., were never in vain. Powermac, I'm sure I will have a season there. I was given the open door in case I still want to come back and I am taking it, when the time is right. Manila Bulletin, I am seriously not sure, but one thing is certain for me: our mainstream media needs new blood.
It may not be me,
It may not be you,
It may be your seatmate in the next D'Block, Yo-Jam, or whatever youth group meeting you are attending that day.
It may be that girl you've been praying for to fall in love with Jesus.
All I know is that we are called to pray, figure out where God is going to use us to the fullest, and walk, relentlessly, in that path.
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Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
6:55 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thankfulness Week
I wanna start a "Thankfulness Week" for myself.. While other people are going to be heading out to parties later tonight, I will be here, at home, enjoying quiet time with myself, time to work: my most favorite form of play. :)
This "Thankfulness Week" blog will be a weekly thing for me. I want to be thankful to three key People in my life, and one "Wildcard"..
The constants will be my parents and Jesus, and the wildcard will be whomever my heart feels like it, every Friday. :)
I am thankful that the Lord Jesus had:
- Saved me from this world since childhood, by giving me the gift of nonconformity.
- Given me great parents who had given me the best of what they know; we totally disagree on a lot of points in life, especially the ones that matter most to my Big Boss/Father/Hero, but they have given me the best of what they know, and that is the biggest gift that Jesus has given me.
- Given me the gift of excellence, balanced by the gift of "enough is enough," that He only allowed me ENOUGH of certain experiences and learnings to ensure the learnings I need to take for the calling He has for me.
- Given me the gift of learning upside down. So now that I know Whom to work for, I know what I need to do. Yay!
- Given me the capacity to appreciate life and enjoy the simplest of joys.
I am thankful to my Mother for:
- Always praying for me.
- The gift of integrity.
- The gift of consistency.
- The gift of faithfulness.
- The gift of making arts and crafts.
- The gift of giving attention to detail.
- The gift of painful learnings. :)
- Always being there to step in when I was about to screw up my life.
- The gift of street-wise wisdom: what plants are there, for what, for being able to grow figs at home, the gift of WD-40! Woohoo! Imagine, I couldn't get the denged keys through the keyholes in this ancient house! A drenching and bath of WD-40 sure fixed that!!! In fact, the WD-40 incident just inspired this post!
- The strength and strictness to keep me at home. Thank you, Tay. Because of this, I learned to not enjoy gossip too much now, but only after unlearning all the crap of television.
- For surrounding me with educational stuff, because of this, my brain has been well-fed. :)
- For the painful learnings; because of that, I learned to unlearn. :)
I love my parents, even though I do not agree with them a lot of the time. They may desire the temporary for me, but Jesus has a deep vision for me that I have to walk in, MY WAY. Because unless I walk in it the way Jesus has planned for me, it will never be realized, because I'm sooo denged busy working for the temporary.
Mother, I'm sorry. I have to prioritize what vision Jesus has for me and MY family. Or else, I will be stuck in poverty in the long run. I sacrifice today, so that in the long run, I will be able to fly.
Don't worry, God provides for the right now, if I prioritize the long run. Thanks for helping me out for an entire month. I need to act like an adult now. No more dependency on you. But I have to do this MY WAY. Our violent emotions just get in the way. I don't understand you, neither do you understand me. But at the very least, I get that you need me to be independent. So do I. It's just wrong to be dependent on you, and on others. But do not worry, God provides. Just don't stress the details.
So let's keep some boundaries for today, coz fights and negative emotions really delay both you and me. :)
Wildcard: I'm thankful to Kuya Chin Bon and Kuya Elim. These guys are my most loyal readers, and they encourage me to blog on. :)
Hugz to you guys!
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Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
12:07 PM
Thank You
I just started ground talks and an agreement with Ate Eunice, for a website.
It was the most painless business deal in my life.
I love God!
Thank you, to my mentors, Redmedia Solutions, Inc, especially to Dave Quitoriano and Mike Abasolo. Though the life lessons I had to learn in the Ploning Project were tough and almost no one understood, I owe you the credit for the apprenticeship.
Thanks so much!
Life Tip: wherever you are, whatever job you are going to get into, always have the goal of never becoming a slave to anyone else but Jesus. Grip and gather all the lessons you need to learn, and use it to help God in weaving the path of life that He has for you.
Blessings to those who read!
Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
11:34 AM
Monday, June 2, 2008
Work At Home, You Want?
Geesh. I promised to resurrect this blog, but I didn’t... Until today, heheh. Well, no use crying over lost time. We better just make the most of today, eh?
Well, as you might know by now, I am a work-at-home girl, and while I love the job, I won’t recommend it to everyone. Unless you have guts, patience, and the perseverance needed to ensure your survival in this “business,” it would be easy for you to quit when the tough times come.
...Want to know what to expect in a work-at-home career? Click "Read more"!
Some people who go into the work-at-home business do so because they want to get away from a job that “enslaves” them. But contrary to the notion that the work-at-home career is a way for a person to not work at all, it’s actually a career that would necessitate for you to be more disciplined. Because if you slack off in this business, you won’t have anything to eat at all.
Before you go into the work-at-home career, you have to ask yourself: are you in this for the money and the time alone, or do you love it and would stick to it, even when the tough times come?
That being said, let me acquaint you with the three kinds of work-at-home careers, at least, in my estimation.
- Virtual office work
- Professional blogging
- Self-employment
The virtual office is much like your real-world job. You have a boss to answer to. Some are virtual assistants who organize and do the administrative tasks of CEO’s in the US or elsewhere. Usually, companies hire virtual assistants when hiring a real-world secretary costs a hundred times more.
With the US recession in progress, companies are looking at ways to cut costs, and Asia, since it’s becoming more world-class by the moment, is one fertile field to look for great virtual assistants.
My friend Jen is a virtual assistant, and she seems to thrive in it. It’s just not my thing, though.
I, on the other hand, was a pro-blogger. I used to write for SplashPressMedia, and while I loved the community, I’m just not suited for organizations. I’m better off working with a person who can respect my personal deadlines and my own quirks.
Being in the pro-blogging biz is not exactly easy. You need to follow deadlines, and though it gives you training and an idea for how to set up your own blogging career, it’s not forever. There is a point where you would get tired of being nagged, and not to mention the virtual office intrigues. Yes, office intrigues exist, even in the seemingly solo world of working online.
The good part about this is that if you can manage your time efficiently, you can actually make a go of working for others. It doesn’t get you the flexible income you may want, but at least you have something to look forward to having at the end of every month.
Lastly, working for oneself.
Working for oneself would entail either making your own e-books, maintaining your own monetized blog, or doing other online moneymaking gigs to keep yourself fed.
I recently ventured into working for myself, and I have to be honest with you, it’s hard getting started. But something tells me that this could prove to be a rewarding venture.
Over the next posts, I’ll be discussing how you can go about getting into a virtual office setup, into professional blogging, or how to go about starting your own business.
Watch out for my future posts!
Thank you for the image:
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Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
10:45 PM
Tip Categories: work at home career
Monday, May 26, 2008
Work at Home Girl? Stressed?! You're Kidding Me!
Isn't it funny how most of us are in the business of wanting more, more, and more. It hit me how I swallow this lie every single day. And it's funnier when a doctor, someone from a conventionally high-powered and equally high-stress job, would be the first to recommend that we rethink our priorities.
I found this article as I was researching for one of the articles I was writing. In the process, I also took a test for stress levels. Even as a work-at-home girl, I had registered a score of 100, and the results advised me to get professional help.
And I'm not even commuting daily.
I have come to the conclusion that the solution is not to work more or to scramble for a regular day job. The solution is to hold my days sacred: whatever task I have for that day, I better wrap up before I sleep.
I also need to minimize external activities. Anything that takes me away from my home would have to be pre-scheduled, prepared for, and I would have to wrap up tasks before I would go out.
Also, I would do better to actually have lesser meals. The dishwashing kills me.
But best of all, I really should just work smarter: efficiently, and more maximally.
I thought I would do great if I worked at night then slept during the day.
Au contraire, what happened was I just wrecked my life.
So I guess this means sleeping at night, then working during the day, and making sure that I've covered all my tasks before I go out.
Sounds like a plan. :p
‘Be’, Not ‘Have’
By Dr Roger Henderson

I am very rarely lost for words. In fact, most people say that is the last thing that would happen to me. I also view myself as unshockable being privileged enough in my job to see people as they really are ensures that - but I remember a particular patient who not only shocked me but reduced me to silence. In doing so he showed me just how destructive ‘need to have’ thinking is on both our stress levels and our mental health.
James came to see me in a state of considerable mental anguish. I had known him for many years, and had watched from the sidelines as he built up a massive business by the age of 40, along with the trappings of success. These unfortunately included a deeply dissatisfied wife and two children who never saw him from one week to the next. When he asked me what he could do to reduce his stress levels I bluntly suggested he should sell up and get out. I was therefore surprised to hear that he had been thinking of doing just that, but couldn’t because his pension fund was not large enough. It was when he told me this fund had ‘only’ four million pounds in it that silence descended on my side of the desk.
The reality was that James could never have a pension fund big enough to satisfy him, and even if he did there would always be bigger and better ventures after that. He was always thinking about what he didn’t have rather than what he had, and so remained deeply dissatisfied.
As expected, my advice fell on deaf ears and James lost his wife and children shortly afterwards, and faced an expensive divorce settlement. He still sees me for advice but freely admits that he is continually moving the goalposts in his life, so that once he has achieved his latest target - bigger bonus, better car, another million - he sets himself a higher one.
Satisfaction can never be achieved if you view life this way. When do we ever have enough? If you list the good points in your life - that you actually have a job in the first place, that your partner does have some redeeming features, that your health is better than some people’s - you will actually end up getting more of what you want. If you can focus on enjoying life at home rather than waiting for two weeks in the year when you go on holiday, you will know how to feel good. If for any reason you don’t get your holiday you will still have enjoyed yourself.
A lesson we all need to be reminded of is that much of what we have in life is good and satisfying as it is. Look at what you have - house, car, work and relationship - and write down exactly why you feel it needs to be improved. Change is good, as long as you are not simply trying to fulfil an endless wish list.
Many of us imagine happiness involves a bigger house or more money and possessions. But all these do is set more targets and stresses for ourselves. Start investing in the truly important things in life - not just the bank balance.
• Dr Roger Henderson is the author of Stress Beaters: 100 Proven Ways To Manage Stress. Buy it online at or call the order line on 01476 541001.
• You can also visit Dr Henderson’s own website at
Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
12:05 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I seriously don't know how to react. Today, amidst setting targets in the wake of the Rick Joyner e-book thump on the side of my head, I had seen this after seeing that my AOL email did not contain any email from my gramma, since shows news bites.
It is so chilling to know that God's monetary principles had been upheld since time immemorial, and it's so funny, as in hilarious, ha-ha-ha to note how people in the seeming land of milk and honey that we so envied before are now selling their houses for such a fraction.
I do not want to be smug. It actually makes me realize all the more how I should seek Him first, be faithful to my tithes (which I am admittedly not), and work on getting out of debt a week at a time.
The wealth of the nations are being driven into the coffers of Christians. It is starting. Are we ready?
Click here to be as shocked as I.
Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
4:35 AM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Blog Resurrection!
I finally “resurrected” my old moneymaking homepage. It was created as a place where I could put up my online moneymaking discoveries. But as my paradigms changed with the past few weeks’ events, I realized I should change the title from “moneymaking” to “career lifehacks.”
A “life hack” is a guide on how to maximize one’s productivity. It was first coined by programmers, to refer to their workflow tricks on how to short-cut their work process. Nowadays, “life hack” could refer to any clever way in which to solve everyday problems.
I expanded the word for this blog, to refer to my discoveries on how to go on a jobhunt, tricks of the trade for freelancers, tips and tricks for writers and bloggers, and whatever else helpful that I could think of to jot down for you to learn.
So since today is a Sunday, I won’t overload your brain--or mine-- for now. But I will be posting on a more or less regular basis from now on.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
12:07 PM
Tip Categories: about the blog, info
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Do you need a job???
You’ve been working in the call center day in and day out, and you know you’re headed nowhere. You are burned out and tired for the most part, and you’re disillusioned for the rest of that slice of pie.
So why not work for yourself?
Why stop at that 9PM to 6AM job that you are actually wondering if you can get out of it alive?
Well, if you are thinking about getting out of the corporate grind and you need a work-at-home gig, I can connect you to the right people.
So, what are you waiting for? Leave me comments or send me an email!
Tips by
Nenyalorien | Lorie
7:42 AM