Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blog Resurrection: For the Umpteenth Time!

Welcome to Lorie’s Career “Lifehacks” blog.

Before we go on, I would like to say that I’ve tried to resurrect my blogs time and again, only to be buried by work and neglect these again. And for that... for the umpteenth time...

I “repent.”

Again, I’m resurrecting my blog, hopefully, I’ll be more constant with writing for this “baby,” so that I could help you bring some clarity into your career considerations.

If you’re mulling over your career, or you’re thinking about what you ought to be doing, or you’re over your post-grad “rest” (heheh) period, I’m here to help. I aim to give you the most valuable things I’ve learned so far in my 2-year stint at this game of working.

So, all set to know more? Read on!

Scroll down for the latest post I’ve dished out on career planning and jobhunting.

Next week, I’m giving you advice on how to create an eye-catching resumé, and the secret to getting... And keeping... A job. :)


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fresh Grad? Tired of "Resting?" Maybe it's time to STRATEGIZE!

|You’re a fresh grad, and you’re raring to get that job you’ve been working so hard for, through getting great grades in school. You’ve dreamed of this moment for so long, and now, months after school, you’re done with living the life and just resting, and you’re ready to go get a job.

Your mom breathes a sigh of relief when you declare that you’re going out to hunt for a job.

But you don’t know where to start.

There is no 3-step recipe that could get you that job you’ve always wanted, but tips like mine could help you figure out how to strategize and plan for your jobhunt.

Okay, breathe. I'm about to dish on how to plan and strategize for your job. So if you're ready, click "READ MORE"!!!|

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