Friday, July 18, 2008

Thankfulness Week

I wanna start a "Thankfulness Week" for myself.. While other people are going to be heading out to parties later tonight, I will be here, at home, enjoying quiet time with myself, time to work: my most favorite form of play. :)

This "Thankfulness Week" blog will be a weekly thing for me. I want to be thankful to three key People in my life, and one "Wildcard"..

The constants will be my parents and Jesus, and the wildcard will be whomever my heart feels like it, every Friday. :)

I am thankful that the Lord Jesus had:

  1. Saved me from this world since childhood, by giving me the gift of nonconformity.
  2. Given me great parents who had given me the best of what they know; we totally disagree on a lot of points in life, especially the ones that matter most to my Big Boss/Father/Hero, but they have given me the best of what they know, and that is the biggest gift that Jesus has given me.
  3. Given me the gift of excellence, balanced by the gift of "enough is enough," that He only allowed me ENOUGH of certain experiences and learnings to ensure the learnings I need to take for the calling He has for me.
  4. Given me the gift of learning upside down. So now that I know Whom to work for, I know what I need to do. Yay!
  5. Given me the capacity to appreciate life and enjoy the simplest of joys.

I am thankful to my Mother for:

  1. Always praying for me.
  2. The gift of integrity.
  3. The gift of consistency.
  4. The gift of faithfulness.
  5. The gift of making arts and crafts.
  6. The gift of giving attention to detail.
  7. The gift of painful learnings. :)
I am thankful to my Father for:

  1. Always being there to step in when I was about to screw up my life.
  2. The gift of street-wise wisdom: what plants are there, for what, for being able to grow figs at home, the gift of WD-40! Woohoo! Imagine, I couldn't get the denged keys through the keyholes in this ancient house! A drenching and bath of WD-40 sure fixed that!!! In fact, the WD-40 incident just inspired this post!
  3. The strength and strictness to keep me at home. Thank you, Tay. Because of this, I learned to not enjoy gossip too much now, but only after unlearning all the crap of television.
  4. For surrounding me with educational stuff, because of this, my brain has been well-fed. :)
  5. For the painful learnings; because of that, I learned to unlearn. :)

I love my parents, even though I do not agree with them a lot of the time. They may desire the temporary for me, but Jesus has a deep vision for me that I have to walk in, MY WAY. Because unless I walk in it the way Jesus has planned for me, it will never be realized, because I'm sooo denged busy working for the temporary.

Mother, I'm sorry. I have to prioritize what vision Jesus has for me and MY family. Or else, I will be stuck in poverty in the long run. I sacrifice today, so that in the long run, I will be able to fly.

Don't worry, God provides for the right now, if I prioritize the long run. Thanks for helping me out for an entire month. I need to act like an adult now. No more dependency on you. But I have to do this MY WAY. Our violent emotions just get in the way. I don't understand you, neither do you understand me. But at the very least, I get that you need me to be independent. So do I. It's just wrong to be dependent on you, and on others. But do not worry, God provides. Just don't stress the details.

So let's keep some boundaries for today, coz fights and negative emotions really delay both you and me. :)

Wildcard: I'm thankful to Kuya Chin Bon and Kuya Elim. These guys are my most loyal readers, and they encourage me to blog on. :)

Hugz to you guys!

Thank You

I just started ground talks and an agreement with Ate Eunice, for a website.

It was the most painless business deal in my life.

I love God!

Thank you, to my mentors, Redmedia Solutions, Inc, especially to Dave Quitoriano and Mike Abasolo. Though the life lessons I had to learn in the Ploning Project were tough and almost no one understood, I owe you the credit for the apprenticeship.

Thanks so much!

Life Tip: wherever you are, whatever job you are going to get into, always have the goal of never becoming a slave to anyone else but Jesus. Grip and gather all the lessons you need to learn, and use it to help God in weaving the path of life that He has for you.

Blessings to those who read!